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Reflection Summary: The best is YET to publish.

By: Veronica Balli

As I reflect from my first day to the completion of 5303, I am excited to see how my e-portfolio has and continues to evolve. When an e-Portfolio was explained as one of the major requirements for the Applied Digital Learning program, I quickly thought of it as JUST a space to collect work. I admit now how wrong I was, and how invested I am now in my e-Portfolio.

At first, I was not too sure what my vision was for my e-Portfolio, but after reviewing Dr. Harapnuik's What is an E-portfolio, I learned that it's not just about collecting work. My e-portfolio is my digital evidence of meaningful connections. It was not an easy task for me to begin. I am usually a person who likes to figure things out by trial and error over time, but due to these classes following an 8-week completion period, I knew that I did not have that kind of time.

The two platforms I tried were WordPress and Wix. I researched past examples Dr. Harapnuik provided by navigating through others’ e-Portfolios. Although it appeared to be easy, I knew that creating one on my own would be a little more challenging, so I decided to create a website on both platforms to see which one was more my style. In my opinion, I found Wix to be more user-friendly and easier to navigate, so I chose WIX. Even though I thought Wix was more user-friendly, when I first started creating on Wix, I was a little bit frustrated because it was still new to me, but the more time I spent on it the easier the steps became. My collaborative team supported me so much along the way. When we learned how to add to our e-Portfolios, or when they found how to include buttons to return to pages, it was quickly shared. The pages I have created so far are a Home, About Me, Blog, ADL Pathway, Innovation Plan, and Contact Page. I am so proud of the progress I have made so far which makes all the long working hours worth it. Even though it is a work in progress, it is a part of my professional growth. I am excited to have a personal space to reflect on my ADL journey and to be able to see how my writings and blogs mature.

The articles provided, the TedTalks, the class meets, discussions, our learning community, and my collaborative group, were all great resources in the completion of my first two courses. There was always someone willing to offer Feedforward or share their knowledge. As my journey in Graduate school continues, my e-portfolio will continue to evolve with new insight. There has already been a disruption within me as I am beginning to reflect on lessons, classroom culture and the environment students are currently working in. I know now that I need to provide my students with an authentic voice and meaningful connections, as I have been provided. I am excited to see where this year will lead me and my collaborative group in our blended learning initiative.

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