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Leading Organizational Change

In our Disruptive Innovation course. our Blended Learning Implementation team, created an innovation plan that would disrupt our organization's current instructional model. We are currently working towards implementing equitable learning for all. While reflecting on my manifesto and my why I focused on turning those passions into goals that could influence real sustainable change. As a leader and voice for change, there will be crucial conversations within our organization about how and why our current system needs to harness a new culture of learning, so educators and students are motivated, engaged, and tapping into their skills and talents. We will continue to reflect and revise our plan with valuable input from our educators and students to successfully implement our plan and bring forth the change we seek within our organization. 

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Lead with WHY


If you want to bring about change within your organizational change you must first speak to their hearts and then their minds. Understanding your WHY and clearly stating your goals will appeal to feelings, and begin the shift to motivate change. Setting clear goals will influence others to join your cause. You must personalize your story and embrace your audience. When they can see themselves invested in your passion real change can begin.

Book on Table

Influencer Model

To initiate sustainable change, you must effectively influence others. After reading Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change (Grenny, et al., 2013) I now understand when correctly and consistently implementing the six influencer strategies can lead to organizational change.


As we begin to work towards the development part of our innovation plan, we must decide on our most important WIG and then strategically work on committing to those goals. There are 4 disciplines of execution to assist us with our plan.

The 4DX strategies are: 

  • Focusing on the Wildly Important Goal

  • Acting on the Lead Measures 

  • Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard 

  • Creating a Cadence of Accountability

The Four Disciplines of Execution



Effective leaders are differential leaders. The ability to lead an organization, not lose focus on the organization's goals, and have those crucial yet vital conversations sets influential leaders apart. In order to lead effective and long-lasting change, one can not get caught up in the workplace whirlwind but rather overcome it. Honest and constant communication with mutual respect while setting aside emotions is another characteristic. Crucial Conversations has helped shape my framework, to assist me in navigating through challenging dialogue. Read my reflection in my blog.



Self-Differentiated Leadership with Crucial Conversations

Professional Presentation

“The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.”
– John Dewey

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