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Synthesis of Digital Learning

Synthesis of Digital Learning was my opportunity to reflect and look back at my journey. This course tasked me with reflections on my previous coursework and processing the outcomes.  There were challenges and successes along the way with opportunities to learn and grow. My reflections begin with COVA. I now understand the true meaning of what it means to create COVA within significant learning environments. An update on our innovation project and what's next for our Blended Learning Team. The final reflection was the culmination of the work in the program. To read my reflections click on the links below.

COVA Reflection


The ADL program is set up to provide authentic learning opportunities and by giving its students choice and voice. I continue to grow professionally and personally. The first graduate courses revealed the true meaning of what is to take ownership of projects and passion.  I remember feeling anxious and frustrated.   Words such as self-directed, authentic learning, growth mindset, passion, blended learning, authentic lessons, significant learning environments, ownership, collaborative, and organizational change are now apart of who I am personally and professionally. Read my blog for more insight.


Innovation Project Update


Our blended learning model within our classrooms continues. Students have developed leadership roles in and out of our classroom. They are cultivating deeper learning, developing a growth mindset, viewing mistakes as learning opportunities, becoming self-directed, and all within just one year of implementing our innovation project, this is how I am measuring their true success. Creating equitable and significant learning opportunities with choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning was my goal, and the administration and educators on our campus have seen these changes. Our administration has viewed our Call to Action video and welcomed the change. For project updates view my blog.

Applied Digital Learning
Journey Synthesis

The ADL is where I began my professional and personal transformation, but it is definitely not where my journey ends. The Applied Digital Learning programs end goal was to allow us to discover existing problems within our organization and prepare us to create real change within our organization. We created an innovative solution to present to our stakeholders. The ADL program has given me a voice and tools to advocate for equitable access to learning and empowered me to lead and influence change.    

Black and White Typewriter

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”
– John Dewey


Contribution to my ADL Learning Community


"Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful. It's amazing to me how much we do, but how little time we spend reflecting on what we just did."

-Margaret J. Wheatley


Read my blog to view my contributions

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