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Instructional Design

In this course, will be designing a 5 week blended course design for my Dyslexia classroom. I will implement a blended learning model with COVA + CLSE. This will provide students with choice, ownership, and voice through authentic opportunities. Module 1 will be an overview of my course including how my goals and my 3-column table in order to justify and support my coursework. Module 2 will provide stakeholders with a preview of my coursework design, Module 3 is set up to provide me valuable feedback from a test group which will allow me to reflect on and redesign my coursework based on the usability of my course.

Module 1-Overview


Below is the beginning of my instructional design overview. A short video was created to provide insight into the instructional format, design, and my ongoing process in this 5 week course.  I have made and delivered a course outline and a 3 column table aligning my learning goals, outcomes, and assessments. Please click below to view.

Reviewing Images
Modern Classroom

Module 2-Implementation


I have created a short overview of the expectations and outcomes for the beginning of my course.
When designing the course work and goals I had to keep my learners in mind. Instructions needed to be short and direct. The outcome activities needed to create choice and opportunity for learners to apply their learning on a variety of platforms but with the ability to prove mastery.  To view how the course is taking shape, please click on the link below.

Module 3- Usability and Reflection

Usability of Instructional Design prepared me to formulate a usability evaluation with my peers and students so they could provide me feedback based on the content, flow, and alignment of my course design. Their feedback assisted me in adjusting and updating my Google Classroom to make sure I was meeting the needs of the students, all issues were solved and the course would be effective when ready to use. Click below to read more.   

Reviewing Images
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