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Blended Learning:
Personalizing the future of education

Call to action video

"If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday, we rob them of tomorrow."

-John Dewey

Innovation Project 
in collaboration with Erika Peña and Ileana Reyna

Colleagues at Work

Innovation Proposal


In order to have the support and trust of your team and benefactors, a clear goal must be defined and communicated. When creating my innovation proposal I understood the urgency to communicate why the need to pilot a blended learning model is now and how as a district, campus, and system we are ready for innovation.

Literature Review


As we begin to gather evidence to prove the importance of our goal to implement a blended learning model, it was important to research the challenges and successes. With the correct information, we can clearly present how we can learn from others.

Open Books
Japanese Calendar

Implemenation Outline


View the process we are working on from the initial start-up phase to transitioning to implementation. My team and I designed an outline to guide us with each phase of the implementation. Our outline will help keep us accountable and focused on the goals we need to complete.

View upcoming literature and articles

Open Textbook in Library

“Change is the end result of all true learning.”
― Leo Buscaglia

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