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Innovation Proposal 2: Bio

November 2021

Ms. T. Trdla

Principal, Victor Fields Elementary, McAllen ISD


McAllen ISD has accomplished its goal to place a learning device in every student's hands in grades Pre-k thru 12th-grade. This initiative was supported by our Superintendent Dr. J. Gonzalez and Technology Director, Ann Vega. Their vision and goal are to produce 21st Century learners with skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication to create global, lifelong learners. Because of the successful initiative of Dr. Gonzalez and Mrs. Vega, our campus now has the opportunity to create equitable and significant learning environments for every student.


Upon students returning to a traditional school setting, I noticed a significant decrease in engagement and motivation during lessons. “We must create the circumstance for which they show themselves” (Robinson, 2018). I must create the circumstance to revolutionize learning for students so they can show their talents and potential. After a few years on a different program, our Dyslexia students and 4th graders now have the opportunity to incorporate a new adaptive program to assist in decreasing academic gaps and loss of learning,  I am suggesting piloting a blended learning model this 2021-22 school year to increase student engagement, motivation and create personalized learning opportunities in a student-centered classroom. If we are to capture the attention of our students, I believe now is the time for blended learning. 


With blended learning, the role will shift from teacher-centered to student-centered. Students will be learning from an adaptive program and be able to optimize their pace of learning. Students will be given the opportunity to choose their learning path and will be provided with immediate feedback. Although technology is one piece of the puzzle, its effectiveness is a part of the goal the district envisioned when going forth as a 1-to-1 initiative. 


Upon researching, I am beginning to understand the benefits of giving students an individualized path and true ownership of their learning. Blended learning shifts the learning back into the students' hands with more personalized lessons and at their pace. As students see their progress as an attainable goal, their motivation and engagement increase. Dyslexia and 4th-grade students will be receiving prescriptive and authentic learning opportunities based on their needs.  Students will collaborate with peers, extend their learning with a flipped classroom, rotation centers, and teacher-led small groups. The main goal is to reignite the students’ love for learning, so they have ownership while we provide guidance along the way.


I am asking for your support and flexibility the next year and a half as Erika Peña, Ileana Reyna and I collaborate in piloting blended learning with our Dyslexia and 4th-grade students. I also ask for the opportunity to share my data with our Administration and staff, with the intent of expanding blended learning into more classrooms on campus. This is our opportunity to hand students back their future, reignite their passion for learning, and get them back on track towards educational success. 



Veronica Balli 

Dyslexia Teacher

Victor Fields Elementary

McAllen ISD

Innovation Proposal

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