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Influencer Model
We will continue to learn and lead

As we begin to implement blended learning we must be mindful of our whole organization and seek to influence the change we envision. Each puzzle piece must fit seamlessly and not be forced, if not we run the risk of our puzzle falling apart. Our goal is to make sure students reach academic achievements by personalizing instruction with blended learning. We understand as Kotter (2011) mentions we must reach the heart and the mind of our organization first if we want to influence a change.
My colleagues and I have created a plan of action to implement the 6 sources of influence by Grenny (2009). When these six sources are implemented with fidelity, we will begin shifting to behaviors that allow students to engage in an inclusive learning environment My colleagues and I have formed a Blended Learning Implementation Team (BLIT) to focus on behaviors within our organizations and working and cultivating the change but also influence everyone within our organization to invest in helping transition to blended learning. 


As we worked to create the three vital behaviors, we focused on four key strategies:


Notice the Obvious

  • We have noticed decreased motivation in students, an increase in challenging behaviors, incomplete assignments, and a lack of student achievement within our organization. These obvious behaviors have led us to initiate change. 


Look for Crucial Moments

  • Our current traditional whole-group model of educating students at the same pace is not conducive for all learners. This teacher-centered model diminishes student choice and voice, putting student success at risk. With blended learning, we can provide personalized and targeted instruction, maximizing engagement and student achievement. 


Learn from Positive Deviants

  • Within our organization, we have a handful of positive deviants that have excelled at increasing motivation and student achievement through a student-centered approach. We will harness their expertise to create social leaders within our organization that will aid in teacher buy-in of our blended learning initiative. 


Spot Culture Busters

  • Although our organization has created a culture of openness and trust between teachers and administrators, we must create norms that will make crucial conversations about change possible in order to support teachers and create a culture of inclusion.


Desired Results

  • By May 2023, K-5 reading and Dyslexia teachers at Victor Fields Elementary School will have implemented a blended learning instructional model with personalized and targeted instruction that will lead to higher engagement and student achievement in order to create self-directed, lifelong learners.


Measuring Results

  • The Blended Learning Implementation Team will monitor student engagement by checking usage reports weekly. 

  • The Blended Learning Implementation Team will monitor student achievement every grading period, by tracking growth and progress using the data collected from the personalized learning platforms. 

  •  At the end of every grading period, surveys via Google Forms will be used to gather feedback about the quality and effectiveness of the Blended Learning program. 

  • During weekly PLC meetings, the Blended Learning Implementation Team will share feedback from surveys, usage reports, growth, and progress with reading and dyslexia teachers. 


3 Vital Behaviors

  • Teachers will implement a blended learning model at least three times a week, incorporating a personalized learning path using self-paced, adaptive programs such as i-Ready, Education Galaxy, Khan Academy, and/or Lexia CORE5 in order to measure student growth and achievement. 

  • Teachers will analyze data from self-paced, adaptive programs collaboratively every week and after every grading period in order to create small group lessons based on students' specific needs and provide differentiated and personalized instruction.

  • Students will collaborate with peers while given choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities, such as real-world projects, research-based learning, and peer-to-peer learning in order to raise engagement and motivation. ​​


Influencers at Victor Fields Elementary

  • Principal

  • Assistant Principal

  • Student Learning Facilitator

  • Reading Coach

  • K-5 Reading Teachers

  • Dyslexia Teachers 



Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill


     Kotter, J. (2011) John Kotter-The heart of change.

Six Sources of Influence (1).png


Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New NY: McGraw-Hill.


Horn, M., Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. Jossey-Bass A Wiley Brand.

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