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Growth Mindset. I am just getting started.

Eduardo Brienco and Carlos Dweck's videos brought to light some truth as an Elementary teacher. When Dweck spoke about a Chicago High school that grades on Not Yet when students haven't met their 84 credits was awesome. The power of how she states placing the future back in the hands of the students is amazing. It allowed me to reflect on how I graded in the past and wished I would have come across this video a long time ago. I will change by writing Not Yet on students' scores to give them their futures back on not tread on their dreams. Dweck also touches on "The Tyranny of Now" We must shift away from the emphasis on grades and more on progress. If a student feels they have to cheat, not attend class, or lie because they do not know how to cope with challenges the change must start with me and within the system soon. Brienco speaks about beliefs, success, and adversity. A fixed mindset leads to students not knowing how to cope. A growth mindset is critical if we are going to change our abilities and those of others. We can all learn the key to success if we build each other up with the Power of Yet. When Brienco says our brain is malleable, it reminded me of a Class Dojo video I show students, its message is the brain is a muscle and we have to grow it. Students who view this video suddenly feel it is possible to learn something that has been challenging.


Margaret Heffernan's Ted Talk, "Why It's Time to Forget the Pecking Order At Work;" made absolute sense. Social Capital is valuable but takes time and trust. I agree the longer employees work together a bond is formed, but there has to be time to build those relationships and time to have those talks. I have worked in an environment where the "Super Chicken Model" as Heffernans states were pecking away was seen as a strength and the weak either resigned or worked in misery. This caused closed doors, no formed relationships, and an "I and Me" environment, with no collaboration. There was always someone who wanted to outshine and sabotage others by keeping important information to themselves. Now, I work in a completely different environment, and our principal, I believe, is making these changes Heffernan discusses. The schools' culture is changing and in a positive way. This is a testament to everyone collaborating and knowing we are all there for one goal, the students. It truly feels like everyone drives and shines. We all take the wheel and make sure all teachers know how important they are to the success of the students.

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