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  • Writer's picturevballi

What did I get myself into?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

I am so overwhelmed and keep trying to talk myself out of quitting. I know, how can I want to jump ship when I haven't completed a full week of grad school? I love learning and professionally growing and I am excited to have taken this step with two amazing coworkers, but this entails me stepping out of my very safe and comfortable space. This will have me missing out on important family events and possibly some of my son's after-school hobbies. Yes, everyone makes sacrifices to keep moving forward, but I love where my life is right now. What is one year of missing out when there are so many amazing and new experiences to have, right? I have to shift my mommy and primary parent responsibilities to my husband. OH NO! If you knew my husband you would know why this gives me anxiety. We have very different approaches to teaching and nurturing. He has sat down with me before during lessons with my son and he has taken notes, but I still feel, well, that I have more patience. Yes, I decided to take on that role of being our little one's homework buddy, but now I must step down from that role. That is so difficult for me, but I know we will all be fine. Here is to a year of all 3 of us growing.

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