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Innovative Educator, half way there.

Although I considered myself somewhat of an innovative educator, I can now say, I was half way to being innovative. Are You An Innovative Educator? Here's How to Find Out was eye opening. The yes or not quiet column did clarify and solidify I missed steps to extend important innovative opportunities for students. Including students in the process and allowing them to create and solve more is a must. Involving more community extensions to identify issues within their city, state, country or globally with real solutions is a great way to connect students to ownership and authentic learning. Taking it a step further to connect with someone who can help students put their solution in action would a allow them to understand application and a human dimension outside themselves.

One very missed opportunity that comes to mind is 6 years ago in my 3rd grade Math class. One of my Math sections had project based learning incoporated with their perimeter and area unit. A few of the students had seized the opportunity to identify a problem within our class, but one that also affected all students on our campus. The students cubbies/lockers where always frowned upon because they were ever really put to good use. The students measured the perimeter and extended it to volume when they identified the cubbies were too shallow to properly fit any of their notebooks, backpacks or supplies in. The cubbies were useless. They had an amazing video presentation, but didn't solve this issue. I offen think about the missed opportnity, I could have brought in an outside Engineering firm or Architucture firm to have guided with real solutions. I sure did learn and grow professionally after reflecting.

John Kotter's video Communicating a Vision for Change, helped me realize I need to be in constant communication with my intended audience. I need to be clear about my plan, my end goals, and my timeline If I want others to join me on my journey. I must be willing to communicate the struggles, the pros and cons, the data, and the recognition of progress. My ultimate goal is to have others join by incorporating a blended learning model in their classrooms. Administration and staff will be able to see student engagement and motivation with the assistance of personalized learning and choice of path. If I under-communicate the progress and change I am documenting my audience will lose interest and not be invested.

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