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  • Writer's picturevballi

Surving ADL. Well Worth it!

As I begin week 2 of Grad school, I am excited for the impactful learning that has already occurred and those 'WOW' moments I've had while in class. I find myself reflecting more about the lessons and delivery. Am I allowing for ownership and choice? Are students truly grasping the information and making it their own? Am I lecturing more than I am allowing for collaboration? In order to "Make it in the ADL" I must learn to truly take ownership of what I want to learn, and where I want to cause disrutption for a positive change? When I first reviwed the COVA article I felt as if the words were just swirling around the page. I lost focus. There was no real connection for me. Now as I go back and review it, I am beginning to make connections and take ownership. Launching my eportfolio and publishing my first couple of blogs was me truly taking ownership and giving myself a voice. Dr. Harapnuk made sure to let us know, we need to think about how we are learning. I need to learn how to learn. I need to be passionate and clear about my goals. I need to delve into reseach, read, and collaborate. In order to do all those things, I must make the time. Time management will have the biggest impact if I am going to succeed. Yes, reading, discussions and the projects make up the final grade, but if I am not disicplined in work, I will fail. I am steadily creeping out of my safe zone and asking my peers to offer FeedForward insight. I am listening to their expertise and moving forward. I have to be teachable, because this is what I expect from my students. My learning community will be my first go to for assisstance, so forming those relationships is important. One big WOW moment was thinking, ADL was more about implementing technology within the classroom setting. I am quickly learning technology must never be my focus but a tool that enhances learning.

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