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Leading towards change

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

As this second session comes to an end, I continue to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am taking risks and allowing myself to be vulnerable in the learning process. As I read others' ideas in discussions my perspective also continues to change. There are so many brilliant minds in this cohort with vast knowledge in different fields which helps me see how COVA and our e-portfolio can be used in different settings to empower any learner in a variety of ways.

Although my e-portfolio continues to be a work in progress, I see myself being more intentional with the content I include. I also am aware of when creating blog posts that I have catchy titles to interest my digital traffic to stop and read. There is still a lot of work to put into it, but my e-Portfolio is not where it started in October. I do remember having a fixed mindset when first presented with creating an e-Portfolio, I felt it was just another task. Now I appreciate I have a personal digital space that captures who I am and my beliefs in education. The work the Blended Learninig Implementation Team and I is in one place and it is now convenient to be able to present our ideas to our organization.

The process of learning from others and having choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities is real and true in the ADL program. There are still those days when I second guess myself, but my fixed mindset doesn't overpower me nearly as much as it used to. I do believe learning and teaching can not be stagnant and there is always room for reflection, improvement, and growth.

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