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Knowing my WHY

As I reflected on Sinek’s speech about the patterns seen in the greatest inspirational leaders and his Golden Circle theory, I thought how simple, target emotions first. I have viewed his video before and listened to his points, but do I usually succeed in targeting emotions first, no? As simple as it sounds it can sometimes be safer to speak and rely on data. I will admit I have had students track their data, review data, break down data, set goals based on data, but was it wrong if believed in what I was doing and they are the why? Maybe, maybe not, but my first priority is always building my relationships with students and earning their trust. Students and parents know I am invested in who their children are.

I have worked for 6 different principals in my 18 years in education and I connected with each vision because I was motivated by their passion and why, the students. Each principal had strengths and weaknesses, but when surrounded by a great team who believes in a vision, the culture thrives. As horrible as it may sound, a person will work longer hours and devote themselves to the cause when they believe in it. My commitment to students, the community, and coworkers have always been my why, but until last semester's Call to Action video, I can say, my colleagues and I succeeded in being able to have others view students' true feelings about school and pulled at heartstrings. We are on a mission to implement blended learning and after beginning to research we do believe this will help our students succeed.

It is true for me, if my heart is not in it and I don’t believe in what I am doing, it just feels like taxing work. When I first started the ADL program in October the first couple of weeks felt this way, but the more involved I became and vulnerable I was, it didn't feel like work, but something I wanted to challenge myself to complete and flourish in.

I need to continue working towards what I believe in, blended learning for students. I want my truth to become other peoples' truth. The story I share about students deserving a blended learning model must enact a sense of urgency with my audience, I must engage their hearts, but ultimately like Asacker said, my audience must see themselves in my story.

I do not want to become a computer in the education field. I want to make a positive change.


Sinek, S. (2009, September). Start with why- how great leaders inspire action. Simon Sinek: Tedxpugetsound. YouTube. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from

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