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Can I interest you in a PLN?

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

I have to model learning and leading if I am to assist in acheiving our teams goals.

If you are in the education field you are familiar with Professional Development. I will be the first to admit, when I started teaching I was not enthusiastic or exuded positive vibes toward Professional Development. It was another thing to check off in my long list of yearly requirements. Of course, I was interested in perfecting my craft and implementing research based strategies, but NOT at the expense of my weekend and definitely not after a long work day. That time was dedicated for family, self-care, and recharge.

Then I realized I could listen to PDs in the form of podcasts, Facebook Lives that are self- paced and can be completed on my own time. I was self-directed and in charge of my learning and I could explore my passions by connecting when it suited me. I had to shift my mindset and get past what I thought PD had to look like and learn it has evolved.

In the next couple of years, I will set a professional goal by working towards earning a CALT certification, (Certified Academic Language Therapist). This certification will properly train me to provide diagnostic, explicit, systematic Multisensory Structured Language intervention to build a high degree of accuracy and knowledge for students with dyslexia. I am beginning to network and connect with other professionals within these learning communities. Teaching and learning should not be stagnant.

When I began working at McAllen ISD, my past administrator stressed the importance of learning networks and reminded us we should continue evolving as educators. One suggestion was Twitter. Twitter becaome a platform to connect with other professionals locally and globally. The platform provides educators with specific chat forums and discussions to assist with ideas and implementation.

I joined Twitter in 2014 and went through the stages as seen below. Twitter is a social media outlet, although it has it's benefits, it is best to have a separate accounts if you plan to use Twitter for personal use. Do not mix your professional and personal account. I consider it a vauable resource when searching for current ideas and brainstorming. It is easy to locate interests by #hashtags if you decide to research topics of interest.

My ultimate goal in Twitter is to create a #DyslexiaEduchat. As I continue to branch out understand the great benefits learning communities provide.

There are so many benefits of discussing, collaborating, and then quickly coming back into the classroom to implement what I learned. The ability to connect with people locally or globally to learn from is amazing.

Twitter is a great place to begin searching for interests within your professional field. The Twitter community also hosts #EduChats which happen weekly and it is a great place to discuss and collaborate with other educators from around the US and globally. As an educator, I do spend quite a bit of time searching Twitter hashtags for new ideas to bring into the classroom.


Ditch That Textbook

Matt Miller is in pursuit to change the world and equip teachers with tools to help create unique experiences for students in the age of technology. He provides a lot of great and free resources if you are searching for ideas to assist with online learning or just like his title states, ditching the textbook and including tech in your classrooms. Dyslexia and blended learning

Website and Instagram page

If you have any questions about dyslexia, as a teacher or a parent, Casey has created this is a website with amazing resources to assist with ideas or help answer your questions. Her Instagram page provides quick reels on lesson ideas for your classroom. Her website is dedcated to additional resources, links and blogs.

Website and Facebook page

Catlin Tucker is invested in online and offline Blended Learning. You can search her website for books she has written, listen to her blog, and search for additional resources. Balance with Blended Learning Happy researching and continue learning and leading.

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